Technology Facts

Technology Facts

❓Did you ever get injured during weight training?

💪 Especially, when you’re doing it by yourself at home with the wrong posture.

🚫 Such injuries can be avoided if you could have a trainer with you at all times.

🤔 Is this possible? of course yes, Here is how!

🏋️‍♂️ An app developed by Switzerland-based startup acts as your fitness coach whenever you have the time to work out.

🖥️ It uses an AI with computer vision capability to instruct you while working out.

🤕 This app reduces the chances of injury due to improper exercise.

👍 It's trained on over 500,000 photos of people working out, to learn the correct exercise forms. 📱 While using the app, you have to set up your smartphone camera pointing at you.

📝 It suggests a workout based on data you enter like, your height, weight, and current workout regime.

🧐 It’s computer vision suggests corrections when you are doing something wrong.

📊 It also keeps track of your reps and pushes you to finish when it sees your pace slowing down.